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Welcome to UVid, the community for UGC creators.

Make videos at anywhere you like, get free products, and get paid.

Create short video ads for brands you already love, from anywhere you like.

Perks of Being a UGC Creator



Create ads on your time. You can apply to as many (or as few!) campaigns as you’d like.


Free Products

Network with cool brands and try out products for free. You keep everything the brands send.


Passive Income

Diversify your income and free yourself financially. Creators can make hundreds of dollars a monthnth

A Few Simple Steps
to Start Working as a Video Creator

Sign up below

Meet the brands you love

Video Sample

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Get FREE products and cash!

We’re on a mission to create the most authentic, engaging videos out there and WE WANT YOU!

Register today by filling in the form below

Please fill in all the form fields below so we can register you as a potential creator
Select the tags that best describe your preferred content
Upload your sample video

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