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Harness the power of live streaming to captivate your audience, increase engagement, and boost your brand's visibility. Explore how Uvid can transform your marketing strategy through live streaming.

Cost-effective yet powerful brand engagement

Our creators bring genuine storytelling to your brand

Diverse content for a dynamic brand experience

'Live' Stream starting from only  


As Featured On


Uvid UGC is on a mission to revolutionize brand narratives through engaging and authentic live streams. We're dedicated to providing a platform where creativity thrives, connecting brands with a diverse community of talented creators. Join us as we transform ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences, one live stream at a time

Why 'Live' Stream?

Real-Time Engagement

Create a dynamic and interactive brand experience that leaves a lasting impression



Leverage the existing followers and fan base of live streamers to extend your brand's reach

Creative Content

Showcase your products or services in an authentic and compelling manner

3 Simple Steps to get a 'live' Stream


  • Share your brand's values, goals, and collaboration preferences.

  • Find the perfect match that aligns with your brand's objectives.


  • Initiate collaboration discussions with chosen live streamers.

  • Work together to plan engaging live stream content and campaigns


  • Sit back and watch as your brand comes to life through live streaming.

  • Engage with your audience and build a strong community around your brand.

Get Your 'Live' Stream now!

How 'Live' Streaming can benefit
your brand


Cost Effect Marketing

Live streaming on Uvid is often a cost-effective marketing strategy compared to traditional advertising methods, providing value for your marketing budget.​


Authentic Brand Representation

The unscripted nature of live streaming adds authenticity to your brand messages and storytelling, making it more relatable to your audience.


Strong Community Building

Engaging through live streams helps brands build a strong and loyal community around their products or services, fostering brand advocacy.


Immediate Customer Feedback

Live streaming allows brands to receive instant feedback and questions from the audience, helping them understand customer concerns, preferences, and pain points in real-time

Why Are Our 'Live' Streaming So Affordable? 

By cutting out the middle-man, we provide easy access to hundreds of talented video creators and editors across Asia. We have a streamlined process that allows brands (you) to quickly find the right people for the job so you can focus on other important aspects of your business.

Why Choose UVid 'Live' Streaming

Expertise and Comfort

Live streamers on Uvid are experienced in front of the camera and are often comfortable with live broadcasting. They can handle the visual aspect of the stream, allowing you to focus on your area of expertise or content.

Reduced Pressure

For those who are camera shy, working with a live streamer can alleviate the pressure of being on camera while still reaping the benefits of live streaming, such as real-time engagement and audience interaction

Authentic Collaboration

By partnering with a live streamer, you can maintain authenticity in your content. Live streamers often bring their unique style and personality to broadcasts, ensuring that your message is delivered naturally.

'Live' Stream starting from only  


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